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places and regions definition

places and regions definition

places and regions definition

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places and regions definition

A place is space that is different from other spaces. Regions are areas defined by unifying physical and/or human characteristics. Itis a space that shares one or more qualities or characteristics. And, a region is a basic unit of study in geography.

So, a region is a unit on the earth’s surface that has unifying characteristics such as climate or industry. These characteristics may be human, physical, or cultural. Not only do geographers study characteristics, but they also study how regions around the world may change over time.

What is the definition of places and regions in geography?

Places are spaces that imbue feeling and are often intertwined with a person’s identity. A place is space that is different from other spaces. Regions are areas defined by unifying physical and/or human characteristics. A region is a space that shares one or more qualities or characteristics. A region is a basic unit of study in geography.

places and regions definition
places and regions definition


region, in the social sciences, a cohesive area that is homogeneous in selected defining criteria and is distinguished from neighbouring areas or regions by those criteria. It is an intellectual construct created by the selection of features relevant to a particular problem and the disregard of other features considered to be irrelevant. A region is distinguished from an area, which is usually a broader concept designating a portion of the surface of Earth. Area boundaries are arbitrary, established for convenience. Regional boundaries are determined by the homogeneity and cohesiveness of the section.

Regions may be nodal, defined by the organization of activity about some central place (e.g., a town and its hinterland, or tributary area), or uniform, defined by the homogeneous distribution of some phenomena within it (e.g., a tropical rainforest).

Regions may be defined in terms of single or multiple features or in terms that approach the total content of human occupancy of an area. The most common features in social science are ethnic, cultural, or linguistic (Provence), climatic or topographical (the Tennessee Valley), industrial or urban (the Ruhr), economic specialization (the Cotton Belt of North America), administrative units (standard government regions in Great Britain), and international political areas (the Middle East).

The concept of region is currently used in analysis, planning, and administration of many national and international public programs. Regionalism, or regional consciousness, the ideological correlate of the concept that develops from a sense of identity within the region, is important in many historical, political, and sociological analyses.

What makes a place?

What sets it apart from the space around it, gives it a unique identity? Basically, humans do this through the act of naming or describing how the place is different from its surroundings. Geographers define place as the physical and human characteristics of a location. The physical features might include the local climate, rivers, or valleys. The human characteristics include the culture of the people living in that place and all the ways they interact with it, like building a city or designing a park.

Remember, location is another of the five themes of geography and, while it’s not our focus here, it is defined as a specific point in space regardless of features or human significance. Locations become places through human actions and thoughts. The physical characteristics used to define place in geography are primarily natural, such as lakes, mountains, or local plants and animals. The human characteristics of place involve the people inhabiting the place, their culture, and way of life, as well as how they use and modify the environment around them.

places and regions definition
places and regions definition

The Concept of Region

1. Regions are areas of Earth’s surface with unifying physical and/or human characteristics

Therefore, the student is able to:

A. Describe the distinguishing characteristics and meanings of several different regions, as exemplified by being able to

  • Identify unifying areas on a map that define those areas as regions (e.g., a zoo map showing how animal exhibits are organized by re­gions related to climate, landforms, and vegetation zones).
  • Identify the physical and human characteristics that can be used to define a region within the local community (e.g., the characteris­tics of a retail strip mall area, downtown or central business district, boundaries of ethnic neighborhoods).
  • Describe the characteristics that define a physical region in the state (e.g., Front Range in Colorado, Sand Hills in Nebraska, Hill Country in Texas).

Regions in Geography

A region is a basic unit of study in geography—a unit of space characterized by a feature such as a common government, language, political situation, or landform. And, a region can be a formal country governed by political boundaries, such as France or Canada; a region can be defined by a landform, such as the drainage basin of all the water that flows into the Mississippi River; and a region can even be defined by the area served by a shopping mall.

Cultural regions can be defined by similarities in human activities, traditions, or cultural attributes. Geographers use the regional unit to map features of particular interest, and data can be compared between regions to help understand trends, identify patterns, or assist in explaining a particular phenomenon.

Regions are traditionally defined by internal characteristics that provide a sense of place. Their boundaries vary with the type of region, whether it is formal, functional, or vernacular; each type has its own meaning and defined purpose. A formal region has a governmental, administrative, or political boundary and can have political as well as geographic boundaries that are not open to dispute or debate.

Formal boundaries can separate states, provinces, or countries from one another. Physical regions can be included within formal boundaries, such as the Rocky Mountains or New England. An official boundary, such as the boundary of a national park, can be considered a formal boundary. School districts, cities, and county governments have formal boundaries.

Regions in Geography

Natural physical geographic features have a huge influence on where political boundaries of formal regions are set. If you look at a world map, you will recognize that many political

boundaries are natural features, such as rivers, mountain ranges, and large lakes. For example, between the United States and Mexico, the Rio Grande makes up a portion of the border. Likewise, between Canada and the United States, a major part of the eastern border

is along the Saint Lawrence Seaway and the Great Lakes. Alpine mountain ranges in Europe create borders, such as the boundary between Switzerland and Italy.

While geographic features can serve as convenient formal borders, political disputes will often flare up in adjacent areas,

particularly if valuable natural or cultural resources are found within the geographic features. Oil drilling near the coast of a sovereign country, for example,

can cause a dispute between countries about which one has dominion over the oil resources. The exploitation of offshore fisheries can also be disputed.

A Neolithic mummy of a man who died in 3300 BCE caused tension between Italy and Switzerland: the body was originally taken to Innsbruck, Switzerland, but when it was determined that the body was found about 90 meters (180 feet) inside the border of Italy, Italian officials laid claim to the body.

places and regions definition
places and regions definition

What are the different types of regions?

Regions can easily vary in shape and size and they can be overlapped with one another or be mutually exclusive. Regions can also divide the entire world up into sections or only reference certain portions of the globe. In geography, there are three different types of regions: functional, formal, and perceptual.

What Does Places And Regions Study?

Places and regions studies the physical and human features of the place being studied from climate to language to religion to government. Physical systems is about studying

natural features of the place, including earthquakes, volcanoes, rivers, plants, and animals.

What is an example of places and regions?

We often use these regions to refer to a large area which often shares some cultural and environmental features. Examples include regions in the United States we think of when we

say the Midwest, the South, and the Pacific Northwest, or even less defined areas like the Rust Belt, the Bread Basket, and the Bible Belt.

What is the study of regions?

Area studies (also regional studies) are interdisciplinary fields of research and scholarship pertaining to particular geographical, national/federal, or cultural regions. … In contrast to cultural studies, area studies often include diaspora and emigration from the area.

places and regions definition
places and regions definition

What does place and regions mean?

Regions. Regions share similarities with places in that they are defined by people, separating them from the space outside their boundaries. However, they are much bigger than places, often with vaguely defined boundaries.

How many types of regions are there?

three types
A region is a basic unit of study in geography. There are three types of regions: Formal, defined by related, measurable characteristics such as climate, vegetation, or religion (ex. Each person may look at different sets of characteristics, such as mountain chains or types of government, to define a region.


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