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can hamsters eat greek yogurt

can hamsters eat greek yogurt

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can hamsters eat greek yogurt
can hamsters eat greek yogurt

Is Greek Yogurt Safe For Hamsters? Not only is Greek yogurt considered safe, it has an especially high level of calcium and protein, and it is also higher in good gut bacteria, so it can be considered even healthier for your hammy than standard yogurt.


What type of yogurt can hamsters eat?

You should feed him the kind that is plain and natural. You might be tempted to get him a fruit-flavored variety of yogurt, but most of those have added sugar and should be avoided. Also, remove any uneaten yogurt from your hamster’s tank after an hour or two and wash the dish.


What food is toxic to hamsters?

Foods You Should Not Feed Hamsters
Apple seeds.
Raw beans.
Raw potatoes.
Citrus fruit.
Rhubarb leaves or raw rhubarb.

can hamsters eat greek yogurt
can hamsters eat greek yogurt

What is a hamster’s favorite treat?

Hamsters love apples, pears, strawberries and bananas. They should be given in moderation, as a supplement to the regular diet. Be sure to remove any vegetables or fruits that are not eaten within 24 hours. Timothy hay.



Can hamsters drink milk?

Like humans, hamsters would probably prefer whole milk, but whole milk has way too much fat. Skim milk is a much healthier option. You never want to give your hamster chocolate milk as it can be loaded with sugar, and chocolate is poisonous to hamsters. Also avoid other flavored milks, such as strawberry.

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What food kills hamsters instantly?

While fresh fruits and vegetables are an important part of a hamster’s diet, there are certain foods that are toxic to hamsters. These include tomato leaves, almonds, avocado, potatoes, onion, garlic, chocolate, and apple seeds.


How can I make my hamster fat?

A skinny hamster might need a little help to fatten up, and some extra protein from hard boiled eggs, a small amount of cooked chicken, or even some mealworms may help add a little body weight to your thin friend. When feeding chicken or eggs, be certain to remove any uneaten remnants quickly.


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What can hamsters drink?

Hamsters should only drink water. Water provides them with all they need to survive and stay hydrated, and there really is no other substitute. Whether you give your hamster tap water or filtered bottled water depends on the quality of the tap water where you live.


Can hamsters eat cheerios?

Final Thoughts About Giving Hamsters Cheerios

We suggest limiting Cheerios as a treat. The sugar content can cause spikes in their blood sugar, which take them off the table as a regular food. Share them occasionally, but don’t make them your pet’s regular diet.


Can hamsters see you?

The hamster’s poor eyesight might help explain why they live in burrows or other places with walls. However, the hamster has excellent hearing and a great sense of smell instead. They use these to survive day-to-day life because they can’t see very well! But, they can see you if you get close enough.



Can hamsters have bananas?

A very small amount of banana is safe for hamsters to feed on but too much banana can cause illness. Giving your hamster a mix of fresh fruit and veggies as treats helps it maintain a balanced diet without eating an excess of anything. Banana treats can control the appetite of hamsters.


Can a hamster get drunk?

(Ethanol is the specific type of alcohol found in alcoholic drinks.) But with hamsters, “you could take a hamster right from the pet store and give it grain alcohol,” says Danielle Gulick, an addiction researcher at the University of Florida. “It would happily drink.” And they can drink a lot before getting drunk.


Can hamsters have beer?

And while the latter can acquire a taste for bubbly via selective breeding or regular drinking sessions, any pet store hamster could be given grain alcohol and it would happily drink it.


Can you feed a hamster pancakes?

Can hamsters eat pancakes? Yes, as long as you only give your hamster a small amount, keep it plain, and serve it cold, your hamster could have a little bit of pancake.


What are the signs of hamsters dying?

How Can You Tell A Hamster Is Dying?
Loss of appetite and thirst,
A change in their behavior or becoming less active,
Wetness around the tail,
Huddling in a corner,
A ruffled or unkempt coat caused by failing to groom itself,
Sneezing, wheezing, and/or discharge from the nose or eyes,

can hamsters eat greek yogurt
can hamsters eat greek yogurt

Can hamsters bread?

Hamsters can eat bread yes! Any bread – whole wheat or whole grain bread, any of that as a part of hamster food. If you want to feed your hamster white bread or whole wheat bread as part of a hamster’s diet food, you should only feed him a small amount in the morning or early afternoon.



Can hamsters popcorn?

In short — yes, your hamster can eat popcorn — but be careful. While your hamster can eat popcorn, it has to be fully popped and without extras. That means no salt, no butter, no caramel, no sugar.

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Can a hamster overeat?

While a hamster with his cheeks full may be hard to resist, try to avoid overfeeding your hamster. The food he stores may soon become moldy if he urinates on it to mark it as his own.


Why do hamsters get skinny?

The most likely reason your hamster has become thin is that it is not eating enough and/or may be sick. If your hamster is not eating enough it may be due to a variety of factors.


Is string beans good for hamster?

Hamsters and Green Beans: Final Thoughts

Remember, even though green beans are safe, they are full of calcium and lack many necessary vitamins and minerals — never use them as a food substitute. Now that you know hamsters can safely eat green beans, slowly introduce the food in tiny amounts.


Can I give my hamster cold water?

Hamsters can drink tap water as long as it’s drinkable and isn’t contaminated or polluted. Make sure the water you give your hamster isn’t too warm or too cold, room temperature is best. We recommend giving your hamster bottled or distilled water.


Can hamsters have cheese?

Many hamsters love the taste of cheese, but its high fat and sodium content is not especially healthy for hamsters. If your hamster enjoys cheese and seems to tolerate it well, you can offer it occasionally in small amounts. Hamsters should get no more than a pea-sized amount of cheese just once or twice a week.



Can hamsters eat pellets?

DO NOT feed your hamster rabbit pellets or pellet mixtures that contain corn, nuts, seeds or colored “poofies”. These can lead to obesity and nutritional deprivation. Hamsters require a high fiber diet for digestive motility. Our favorite food brand is Oxbow’s Healthy Handfuls.


Can hamsters have blueberries?

Your hamster can eat fresh, organic blueberries that have been pre-rinsed, but only in moderation. Do not change out your pet’s regular food for blueberries. While blueberries do have some health benefits for your pet, they should be slowly introduced to his diet and never offered to him in large quantities.


Do hamsters know their name?

Hamsters are intelligent creatures who can even learn their name. If you talk to your hamster and use their name frequently enough to get them used to hearing it, they might even learn to come when called. A hamster’s teeth are constantly growing.



Are toilet paper rolls OK for hamsters?

It’s common for hamster owners to give their pets toilet paper rolls. They’re convenient, easily obtained, and the perfect size for your hamster. Providing the toilet paper roll is free from dyes, and there isn’t any glue stick to the roll, it’s perfectly safe!


Do hamsters see colors?

Hamsters do not have good eyesight, they are nearsighted and also colour-blind. Hamsters rely on scent to find their way.


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Can a hamster throw up?

Rodents, oddly, can’t throw up. While scientists and pest managers have known this for years, they’ve just discovered why. LiveScience explains the findings of a group of neuroscientists from the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, which were first published in the journal PLoS One.



How do you attract a missing hamster?

Hamsters love seeds: Place a small, pre-counted pile of sunflower seeds on the floor in each room. If any seeds disappear from a room that will give you a better general idea of where your lost hamster is hiding (unless you have any wild mice that are stealing your bait).


How much Apple can I give my hamster?

One slice of an apple once per week, cut into smaller chunks will be fine for your hamster. You can place it into the enclosure and allow your hamster to enjoy it. Observe your hamster as they eat and remove any uneaten food within two hours.


Are hamster balls bad for hamsters?

The hamster ball is an exercise device for hamsters. The hamster is enclosed in the ball and can then exercise/run in the ball which then rolls around on the floor. There are concerns that such products may, in fact, be stressful for hamsters and so the RSPCA does not recommend their use.

can hamsters eat greek yogurt
can hamsters eat greek yogurt

Do hamsters get sad?

A lethargic hamster is often a sign of an unhappy hamster. If all they’re doing is sleeping, eating, drinking, and sleeping again this is a sign that they are depressed.



Do hamsters like their ball?

More often than not, hamsters are regularly depicted with exercise balls. However, it’s actually a very common misconception that hamsters enjoy and thrive in hamster balls, and that it is a safe form of enrichment. It is not.


What animal can’t get drunk?

Seven species of animals, including the treeshrew and the slow loris, feed on fermented nectar from the flower buds of the bertam palm plant. But though the treeshrew quaffs this brew all day long, it doesn’t get drunk, scientists found in a 2008 PNAS study.


Do hamsters have livers?

To cope, the Syrian hamster evolved an enormous liver, a necessary bit of machinery if it is to metabolize all that alcohol. It’s not a joke. If a hamster’s internal organs were scaled to a human’s, the hamster’s liver would be 5 times larger than your normal-size liver.

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