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chocolate chocolate chip cookies

chocolate chocolate chip cookies

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chocolate chocolate chip cookies

chocolate chocolate chip cookies
chocolate chocolate chip cookies

What makes a cookie soft and chewy or crispy?

How to Make Crispy Cookies. While brown sugar keeps your cookies moist and soft, white sugar and corn syrup will help your cookies spread and crisp in the oven. Using more white sugar in your cookies will result in a crispier end product. To achieve a crispy cookie, skip the rest in the fridge.

What does adding an extra egg do to cookies?

Yolks, where all of the fat is in an egg, increase richness, tenderness and flavor. Therefore, if you put an extra egg, you will get a chewier cookie. I do it all the time. If you put less, you will get a more crumbly cookie.

How do you make chewy cookies?

Rest the Dough A secret baker’s trick is to rest your cookie dough in the fridge. You can rest it for at least an hour, which will evaporate some of the water and increase the sugar content, helping to keep your cookies chewy. The longer you allow your dough to rest in the fridge, the chewier your cookies will be.

How do you keep chocolate chip cookies chewy?

Storing Tips to Keep Cookies Soft

Store cool cookies in an airtight container (not a cookie jar with a loose lid) at room temperature. Putting cookies, cakes or breads in the refrigerator will dry them out.

Why do my chocolate chip cookies get hard after cooling?


Why Do Cookies Get Hard? Like all baked treats, cookies are subject to getting stale. Over time, the moisture in the cookies evaporates, leaving them stiff and crumbly. It’s the same thing that happens to breads, muffins, and other baked goods.

Does refrigerating cookie dough make a difference?

Refrigerating the dough allows the flour to fully hydrate, which (in addition to chilling the butter) helps to make the cookie dough firmer, says baker and food stylist Jason Schreiber, who recently published Fruit Cake: Recipes for the Curious Baker ($21.85,



chocolate chocolate chip cookies
chocolate chocolate chip cookies

Is it better to use oil or butter in cookies?

While butter contains air pockets that help it retain its shape, oil is more compact. You can’t really alter it from its original state. Not to mention, using a flavorful oil such as olive oil in a cookie might give you a baked product that’s just a little on the funkier side. Naturally, you can expect a softer dough.

Why do you put vinegar in cookies?

Vinegar is a surprisingly common ingredient in baked goods, considering that it has such a sharp flavor. But as an acid, vinegar is often included in cake and cookie batters to react with baking soda and start the chemical reaction needed to produce carbon dioxide and give those batters a lift as they bake.

Is it better to use Crisco or butter in cookies?

Cookies made with only butter may not rise as much and may spread a bit more, but the edges will be crispier and will have a rich buttery taste. Cookies made with only shortening will result in a cookie that bakes higher and holds its shape better during baking.

Does brown sugar make cookies softer?


Sugars, like fats liquefy in the oven. White sugar will make your cookies crispier while brown sugar contains more moisture and will result in a softer and more chewy cookie. Most chocolate chip cookie recipes call for both sugars.

Does adding more butter make cookies softer?

Adding more moisture to your dough in the form of extra butter, egg yolks, or brown sugar will make your cookies even softer. We go into even more detail on how to achieve chewy perfection here.

Why do my cookies dry out so fast?

Unfortunately, cookies don’t stay perfectly soft and chewy forever. All baked goods will eventually grow old and stale. It’s a sad fact of life, but that’s just the way it is. This happens because the moisture inside the cookies evaporates over time, leaving behind a dry, crumbly mess.

What cookies stay fresh the longest?

  • Pfeffernusse: These should be made at least a few days or up to 2 weeks before serving, depending on the recipe, and they keep for several weeks.
  • Shortbread and shortbread cookies: These keep for at least 1 month.
  • Springerles: These should be made 2 weeks before serving and they keep for several months.

Why did my cookies come out hard?

If your cookies are rock hard, the site explains that it’s likely due to an over-abundance of sugar, which hardens, darkens, and flattens the cookies as they bake. Bake or Break adds that over-mixing your dough can be the culprit, too. When flour is blended with other ingredients, gluten starts to form.



chocolate chocolate chip cookies
chocolate chocolate chip cookies

Should you flatten cookies before baking?


So long as they end up evenly flat, that is; squashing cookies haphazardly under your palm means they may bake and brown unevenly. Still, if you care deeply (or even casually) about the look of your cookies, you can take the flattening step as an opportunity for enhancement. The bottom of a glass works fine, it’s true.

Why does melted butter make cookies chewy?

O’Brady is specific that the butter be melted slowly, over low heat to prevent any evaporation. In its liquid state, butter mixes readily with both the sugar and flour, making for a softer dough that actually develops more gluten (thanks to the butter’s moisture hydrating the flour).

What happens if you don’t Chill cookie dough before baking?


Popping your dough in the fridge allows the fats to cool. As a result, the cookies will expand more slowly, holding onto their texture. If you skip the chilling step, you’re more likely to wind up with flat, sad disks instead of lovely, chewy cookies.

How long should you chill cookie dough before baking?

Chilling cookie dough

  1. Chilling cookie dough for just 30 minutes makes a big difference. The cookies pictured above are the same size, weight-wise. …
  2. The longer you chill cookie dough, the smaller the changes become. …
  3. Over time, chilling cookie dough produces cookies with darker color and more pronounced flavor.

How long should you cook cookie dough?

Prep Instructions. HEAT oven to 350°F (or 325°F for nonstick cookie sheet). PLACE cookie dough rounds about 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet. BAKE 10 to 14 minutes or until light golden brown.

What does milk do for the cookies?

Milk performs many functions in your baked goods. It serves as a source of liquid to hydrate the dry ingredients, adds flavor, supports browning and softens texture.

What butter is best for cookies?

unsalted butter

Bakers and chefs usually choose unsalted butter in their recipes because it’s easier to manage the salt content in the dish. Most recipes that call for butter—especially baked goods and desserts—are created with unsalted butter. It is the standard in baking and is always implied unless otherwise specified.

What makes cookies chewy vs cakey?


For softer, chewier cookies, you will want to add much less granulated sugar, slightly more brown sugar, and a fair bit less butter. For cakey cookies, you will often be including even less butter and sugar.

What does adding cornstarch do for cookies?

When added to cake, cookie and shortbread recipes, cornstarch helps create a crumbly and tender dessert-like texture. Commercially, cornstarch is often used as an anti-caking agent.

What does apple cider do for baking?

Baking involves more than just flavor — there’s chemistry going on here! Apple cider vinegar’s function in most baked good recipes is to supply acid. The acid reacts with a base to leaven our baked goods by creating little bubbles. With proper leavening, our baked goods rise appropriately and have a better crumb.

Can you use half butter and half oil in cookies?

When baking with oil instead of butter in your recipes, keep in mind that some cookies just won’t work as they’re supposed to without a solid fat. Try replacing just half the butter with oil, which still cuts your saturated fats but retains much of the cookies’ original texture.

Is it better to use light or dark brown sugar for chocolate chip cookies?

It really doesn’t matter. Dark brown sugar gives the cookies a bit more molasses flavor; while light brown sugar takes us into caramel territory. As long as your brown sugar is soft, you’re good to go.

What happens if you use more white sugar than brown sugar in cookies?


The sweetness level will be exactly the same, but the brown sugar may change the texture of your baked goods. You’ll likely notice a more robust flavor and the color of the finished baked good may be darker as well. These alterations in color, flavor, and texture come from the way brown sugar is made.

What happens if you forgot to put baking soda in cookies?


It is possible to make cookies without baking soda or baking powder, but the resulting cookie will be dense. This is because carbon dioxide is not being produced by a chemical reaction that typically occurs when baking soda or powder is present in the cookie batter.

Should I use baking powder or baking soda for cookies?

Baking soda is typically used for chewy cookies, while baking powder is generally used for light and airy cookies. Since baking powder is comprised of a number of ingredients (baking soda, cream of tartar, cornstarch, etc.), using it instead of pure baking soda will affect the taste of your cookies.



chocolate chocolate chip cookies
chocolate chocolate chip cookies

What happens if you put too much brown sugar in cookies?

Brown sugar adds a beautiful color as well as a more complex flavor. They’ll also make cookies chewier, softer, and thicker than white sugar. Adding too much can result in dark brown cookies. Adding too little results in paler cookies.


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