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who signed the constitution and declaration

who signed the constitution and declaration

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who signed the constitution and declaration
who signed the constitution and declaration

Who signed declaration and constitution?

6 signed both. Roger Sherman, George Clymer, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Morris, James Wilson, and George Read signed both the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the Constitution in 1787.


Who first signed the Constitution?

George Washington, as president of the Convention, signed first, followed by the other delegates, grouped by states in progression from north to south.


Who is called the Father of the Constitution?

James Madison, America’s fourth President (1809-1817), made a major contribution to the ratification of the Constitution by writing The Federalist Papers, along with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay.

In later years, he was referred to as the “Father of the Constitution.”



The Declaration of Independence, 1776

By issuing the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, the 13 American colonies severed their political connections to Great Britain.

The Declaration summarized the colonists’ motivations for seeking independence.

By declaring themselves an independent nation, the American colonists were able to confirm an official alliance with the Government of France and obtain French assistance in the war against Great Britain.

who signed the constitution and declaration
who signed the constitution and declaration





What is the Declaration of Independence and what does it say?

The Declaration of Independence states three basic ideas:

(1) God made all men equal and gave them the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;

(2) the main business of government is to protect these rights;

(3) if a government tries to withhold these rights, the people are free to revolt and to set up a new government.

The Declaration of Independence


Throughout the 1760s and early 1770s, the North American colonists found themselves increasingly at odds with British imperial policies regarding taxation and frontier policy.

When repeated protests failed to influence British policies,

and instead resulted in the closing of the port of Boston and the declaration of martial law in Massachusetts,

the colonial governments sent delegates to a Continental Congress to coordinate a colonial boycott of British goods.

When fighting broke out between American colonists and British forces in Massachusetts, the Continental Congress worked with local groups, originally intended to enforce the boycott,

to coordinate resistance against the British.

British officials throughout the colonies increasingly found their authority challenged by informal local governments, although loyalist sentiment remained strong in some areas.
Despite these changes, colonial leaders hoped to reconcile with the British Government,

and all but the most radical members of Congress were unwilling to declare independence.

However, in late 1775, Benjamin Franklin,

then a member of the Secret Committee of Correspondence, hinted to French agents and other European sympathizers that the colonies were increasingly leaning towards seeking independence.

While perhaps true,

Franklin also hoped to convince the French to supply the colonists with aid.

who signed the constitution and declaration
who signed the constitution and declaration


Independence would be necessary

Independence would be necessary, however, before French officials would consider the possibility of an alliance.
Throughout the winter of 1775–1776, the members of the Continental Congress came to view reconciliation with Britain as unlikely, and independence the only course of action available to them.

When on December 22, 1775, the British Parliament prohibited trade with the colonies, Congress responded in April of 1776 by opening colonial ports—this was a major step towards severing ties with Britain.

By February of 1776, colonial leaders were discussing the possibility of forming foreign alliances and began to draft the Model Treaty that would serve as a basis for the 1778 alliance with France.

Leaders for the cause of independence wanted to make certain that they had sufficient congressional support before they would bring the issue to the vote. On June 7, 1776, Richard Henry Lee introduced a motion in Congress to declare independence.

Other members of Congress were amenable but thought some colonies not quite ready. However, Congress did form a committee to draft a declaration of independence and assigned this duty to Thomas Jefferson.

What’s one fact about the declaration?

Most of the members of the Continental Congress signed a version of the Declaration in early August 1776 in Philadelphia.

The names of the signers were released publicly in early 1777. So that famous painting showing the signing of the Declaration on July 4, 1776, is a bit of an exaggeration.



What is the Declaration of Independence in simple terms?

Declaration of Independence is the name given to the Second Continental Congress’s public act of declaring the American colonies independent from Great Britain on July 4, 1776.

The Declaration of Independence was the formal proclamation that the colonies would now be an independent country separate from Great Britain.


What are the words of the Declaration of Independence?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,

that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

It’s Independence Day.


What are the two main purposes of the Declaration of Independence?

Its goals were to rally the troops, win foreign allies, and to announce the creation of a new country.

The introductory sentence states the Declaration’s main purpose, to explain the colonists’ right to revolution.

who signed the constitution and declaration
who signed the constitution and declaration

Constitution of United States

Written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and in operation since 1789, the United States Constitution is the world’s longest surviving written charter of government.

Its first three words – “We The People” – affirm that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens. The supremacy of the people through their elected representatives is recognized in Article I,

which creates a Congress consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives.

The positioning of Congress at the beginning of the Constitution affirms its status as the “First Branch” of the federal government.



responsibility for organizing the executive and judicial branches

The Constitution assigned to Congress responsibility for organizing the executive and judicial branches, raising revenue, declaring war, and making all laws necessary for executing these powers.

The president is permitted to veto specific legislative acts,

but Congress has the authority to override presidential vetoes by two-thirds majorities of both houses.

The Constitution also provides that the Senate advise and consent on key executive and judicial appointments and on the approval for ratification of treaties.

For over two centuries

For over two centuries the Constitution has remained in force because its framers successfully separated and balanced governmental powers to safeguard the interests of majority rule and minority rights, of liberty and equality,

and of the federal and state governments.

More a concise statement of national principles than a detailed plan of governmental operation,

the Constitution has evolved to meet the changing needs of a modern society profoundly different from the eighteenth-century world in which its creators lived.

To date, the Constitution has been amended 27 times, most recently in 1992. The first ten amendments constitute the Bill of Rights.


History of constitution

In 1787–88, in an effort to persuade New York to ratify the Constitution, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay,  also James Madison published a series of essays on the Constitution and republican government in New York newspapers.

Their work, written under the pseudonym “Publius” and collected and published in book form as The Federalist (1788),

became a classic exposition and defense of the Constitution.

In June 1788, after the Constitution had been ratified by nine states (as required by Article VII), Congress set March 4, 1789,

as the date for the new government to commence proceedings (the first elections under the Constitution were held late in 1788).

Because ratification in many states was contingent on the promised addition of a Bill of Rights,

Congress proposed 12 amendments in September 1789; 10 were ratified by the states, and their adoption was certified on December 15, 1791. (One of the original 12 proposed amendments,

which prohibited midterm changes in compensation for members of Congress,

was ratified in 1992 as the Twenty-seventh Amendment.


The authors of the Constitution

The authors of the Constitution were heavily influenced by the country’s experience under the Articles of Confederation,

which had attempted to retain as much independence

and sovereignty for the states as possible and to assign to the central government

only those nationally important functions that the states could not handle individually.

But the events of the years 1781 to 1787,

including the national government’s inability to act during Shays’s Rebellion (1786–87) in Massachusetts,

showed that the Articles were unworkable because they deprived the national government of many essential powers,

including direct taxation and the ability to regulate interstate commerce.



limiting the power of government

The framers of the Constitution were especially concerned with limiting the power of government and securing the liberty of citizens.

The doctrine of legislative, executive, and judicial separation of powers,

the checks and balances of each branch against the others,

however the explicit guarantees of individual liberty were all designed to strike a balance between authority

also liberty—the central purpose of American constitutional law.


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