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what do dna proteins and fats have in common?

what do dna proteins and fats have in common?

what do dna proteins and fats have in common?

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what do dna proteins and fats have in common?
what do dna proteins and fats have in common?

They contain carbonyl groups. … Water rejects nonpolar molecules such as fats, so fats travel inside particles that are coated with polar parts of phospholipids and proteins



The diversity in structures and physical properties of lipids provides a wide variety of possible interactions with proteins that affect their assembly, organization, and function either at the surface of or within membranes. Because lipids have no catalytic activity, it has been challenging to define many of their precise functions in vivo in molecular terms.




These mutants have uncovered previously unrecognized roles for lipids and provided in vivo verification for putative functions described in vitro. In this review, we summarize how these reagent strains have provided new insight into the function of lipids. The role of specific lipids in membrane protein folding and topological organization is reviewed.






Lipids provide a complex solvent for integral membrane proteins and a varied surface for interaction of soluble amphitropic proteins with the membrane. The large diversity in lipid structures allows for a broad spectrum of chemical and physical properties for the membrane bilayer that affects protein function and organization.



The ability of lipids to form subdomains of unique protein and lipid composition provides a mechanism to regulate and compartmentalize protein function within a membrane.


However, defining the function of lipids in molecular terms in cellular processes has been a challenging undertaking. Although the physical and chemical properties of individual lipids and lipid mixtures have been extensively studied, it is not clear how to relate this information to the in vivo state.



Lipids have no inherent catalytic activity. Therefore, biochemical studies have relied on the secondary effects of lipids on in vitro reconstituted processes.


Careful consideration has not always been given to the physical and chemical properties of lipids, and it is difficult to sort out which properties of a given lipid or lipid mixture are important.


Although in vitro approaches have provided insight into the role of lipids, in vivo verification has been limited. Determination at atomic resolution of the structure of a few membrane proteins has shown specific lipid species in association with proteins.


what do dna proteins and fats have in common?
what do dna proteins and fats have in common?

Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats

Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats supply 90% of the dry weight of the diet and 100% of its energy. All three provide energy (measured in calories), but the amount of energy in 1 gram (1/28 ounce) differs:

  • 4 calories in a gram of carbohydrate or protein

  • 9 calories in a gram of fat

These nutrients also differ in how quickly they supply energy.

  • Proteins into amino acids

  • Fats into fatty acids and glycerol

The body uses these basic units to build substances it needs for growth, maintenance, and activity (including other carbohydrates, proteins, and fats).





Depending on the size of the molecule, carbohydrates may be simple or complex.

  • Simple carbohydrates: Various forms of sugar, such as glucose and sucrose (table sugar), are simple carbohydrates. They are small molecules, so they can be broken down and absorbed by the body quickly and are the quickest source of energy.


    They quickly increase the level of blood glucose (blood sugar). Fruits, dairy products, honey, and maple syrup contain large amounts of simple carbohydrates, which provide the sweet taste in most candies and cakes.

  • Complex carbohydrates: These carbohydrates are composed of long strings of simple carbohydrates. Because complex carbohydrates are larger molecules than simple carbohydrates, they must be broken down into simple carbohydrates before they can be absorbed.


    Thus, they tend to provide energy to the body more slowly than simple carbohydrates but still more quickly than protein or fat. Because they are digested more slowly than simple carbohydrates, they are less likely to be converted to fat. They also increase blood sugar levels more slowly and to lower levels than simple carbohydrates but for a longer time.


    Complex carbohydrates include starches and fibers, which occur in wheat products (such as breads and pastas), other grains (such as rye and corn), beans, and root vegetables (such as potatoes and sweet potatoes).



Refined means that the food is highly processed. The fiber and bran, as well as many of the vitamins and minerals they contain, have been stripped away.



what do dna proteins and fats have in common?
what do dna proteins and fats have in common?


Glycemic index


The glycemic index of a carbohydrate represents how quickly its consumption increases blood sugar levels. Values range from 1 (the slowest) to 100 (the fastest, the index of pure glucose). However, how quickly the level actually increases also depends on what other foods are ingested at the same time and other factors.


The glycemic index tends to be lower for complex carbohydrates than for simple carbohydrates, but there are exceptions. For example, fructose (the sugar in fruits) has little effect.


The glycemic index is thought to be important because carbohydrates that increase blood sugar levels quickly (those with a high glycemic index) also quickly increase insulin levels. The increase in insulin may result in low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia ) and hunger, which tends to lead to consuming excess calories and gaining weight.


Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index do not increase insulin levels so much. As a result, people feel satiated longer after eating. Consuming carbohydrates with a low glycemic index also tends to result in more healthful cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of obesity and diabetes mellitus and, in people with diabetes, the risk of complications due to diabetes .




Glycemic load


The glycemic index indicates only how quickly carbohydrates in a food are absorbed into the bloodstream. It does not include how much carbohydrate a food contains, which is also important. Glycemic load includes the glycemic index and the amount of carbohydrate in a food. A food, such as carrots, bananas, watermelon, or whole-wheat bread, may have a high glycemic index but contain relatively little carbohydrate and thus have a low glycemic load. Such foods have little effect on the blood sugar level.


Glycemic load also includes how changes in blood sugar are affected by the combination of foods eaten together. The glycemic index does not.

what do dna proteins and fats have in common?
what do dna proteins and fats have in common?




Proteins consist of units called amino acids, strung together in complex formations. Because proteins are complex molecules, the body takes longer to break them down. As a result, they are a much slower and longer-lasting source of energy than carbohydrates.


There are 20 amino acids. The body synthesizes some of them from components within the body, but it cannot synthesize 9 of the amino acids—called essential amino acids.  Everyone needs 8 of these amino acids: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Infants also need a 9th one, histidine.


The percentage of protein the body can use to synthesize essential amino acids varies from protein to protein.


The body needs protein to maintain and replace tissues and to function and grow.


The body contains large amounts of protein. Protein, the main building block in the body, is the primary component of most cells. For example, muscle, connective tissues, and skin are all built of protein.


Adults need to eat about 60 grams of protein per day (0.8 grams per kilogram of weight or 10 to 15% of total calories). Adults who are trying to build muscle need slightly more. Children also need more because they are growing. People who are limiting calories to lose weight typically need a higher amount of protein to prevent loss of muscle while they are losing weight.



what do dna proteins and fats have in common?
what do dna proteins and fats have in common?



Fats are complex molecules composed of fatty acids and glycerol. The body needs fats for growth and energy. It also uses them to synthesize hormones and other substances needed for the body’s activities (such as prostaglandins).


Fats are the slowest source of energy but the most energy-efficient form of food. Each gram of fat supplies the body with about 9 calories, more than twice that supplied by proteins or carbohydrates. Because fats are such an efficient form of energy, the body stores any excess energy as fat. The body deposits excess fat in the abdomen (omental fat) and under the skin (subcutaneous fat) to use when it needs more energy. The body may also deposit excess fat in blood vessels and within organs, where it can block blood flow and damage organs, often causing serious disorders.


Fatty acids


When the body needs fatty acids, it can make (synthesize) certain ones. Others, called essential fatty acids, cannot be synthesized and must be consumed in the diet. The essential fatty acids make up about 7% of the fat consumed in a normal diet and about 3% of total calories (about 8 grams). They include linoleic acid and linolenic acid, which are present in certain vegetable oils. Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, which are fatty acids essential for brain development, can be synthesized from linolenic acid. However, they also are present in certain marine fish oils, which are a more efficient source.


Linoleic acid and arachidonic acid are omega-6 fatty acids. Linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid are omega-3 fatty acids. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of atherosclerosis (including coronary artery disease ). Lake trout and certain deep-sea fish contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. In the United States, people tend to consume enough omega-6 fatty acids, which occur in the oils used in many processed foods, but not enough omega-3 fatty acids. (Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should choose fish that are low in mercury. See Mercury in Seafood for more information.)


Kinds of fat


There are different kinds of fat:

  • Monounsaturated

  • Polyunsaturated

  • Saturated


Saturated fats are more likely to increase cholesterol levels and increase the risk of atherosclerosis . Foods derived from animals commonly contain saturated fats, which tend to be solid at room temperature. Fats derived from plants commonly contain monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids, which tend to be liquid at room temperature. Palm and coconut oil are exceptions. They contain more saturated fats than other plant oils.


Trans fats (trans fatty acids) are a different category of fat. They are man-made, formed by adding hydrogen atoms (hydrogenation) to monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fats may be partially or fully hydrogenated (or saturated with hydrogen atoms). In the United States, the main dietary source of trans fats is partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, present in many commercially prepared foods. Consuming trans fats may adversely affect cholesterol levels in the body and may contribute to the risk of atherosclerosis .

what do dna proteins and fats have in common?
what do dna proteins and fats have in common?


Fat in the diet


Authorities generally recommend that

  • Fat should be limited to less than about 28% of daily total calories (or fewer than 90 grams per day).

  • Saturated fats should be limited to less than 8%.


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Eliminating trans fats in the diets is recommended. When possible, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, particularly omega-3 fats, should be substituted for saturated fats and trans fats.


People with high cholesterol levels may need to reduce their total fat intake even more.






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