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do you capitalize english language arts

do you capitalize english language arts

do you capitalize english language arts

Hello dear friends, thank you for choosing us. In this post on the solsarin site, we will talk about “do you capitalize english language arts”.
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Do You Capitalize “Language Arts”? When & When Not To

A word or phrase is capitalized when it’s a proper noun, or it has a name that gives it identity or sets it apart from its kind within its category. For example, “language” is a common noun and, therefore, not capitalized. But “Mandarin” is a proper noun or name of a language and, thus, not written in lowercase.

The phrase “language arts” is capitalized as it usually denotes a field of study. Nouns denoting actual languages get capitalized, too, such as French and German. Capitalization of words indicates “significance”. It goes without saying that a subject or field of study is important to concerned pupils.

Kindly note, “language arts” is not a proper noun. It’s usage in specific contexts, however, lends it the “proper noun” status. Continue reading to learn more about “language arts”, the rules surrounding its capitalization in sentences, and more.

do you capitalize english language arts
do you capitalize english language arts


Language Arts – Definition

Language arts is a field that studies and improves upon the art of language. The primary divisions are language and literature, where “language” could refer to specific languages and linguistics. Language arts pedagogy primarily comprises a combination of writing (composition), reading, listening, and speaking. and Language arts, in schools, is taught alongside social studies, science, and mathematics.

Language arts is, however, much more than just teaching the fundamentals of literacy. It entails bringing a language’s grammatical elements together to generate meaning. Plot development, elements of characterization, metaphors, similes, inferential meanings, etc., facilitate a lot more complete understanding of any kind of literature.

Building skills pertaining to language arts is, therefore, necessary for students. Bringing together language arts ideas for learners at the kindergarten level can help kids improve and work on reading, spelling, comprehension, text writing, and vocabulary.

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Broad Categories

Language arts is broadly divided into four elements, which are reading, composition, speaking, and listening.


Reading is knowing how to traverse printed or written words, characters, or sentences and understand their meanings. It entails going over a range of non-print and print texts that help you comprehend the material being read.


“Composition” is combining distinct elements or parts to a single form. In language arts, a composition could mean any of the following:

  • The act or art of composing a novel, poem, speech, or any other literary work.
  • A short essay or a brief literary piece on a given subject or theme (particularly in prose) is usually analytic, interpretative, or speculative.

Compositions could also include expository essays, narrative essays, technical writing essays, persuasive essays, books, research essays, etc.

do you capitalize english language arts
do you capitalize english language arts


“Speaking” or speech is another key component of language arts. Live delivery and oration are usually key elements of language arts courses. The component could include speeches, dramatic interpretation, oral interpretation of poems, etc. Speech is an essential part of language arts as it helps develop linguistic skills and enhance persuasion concepts.


Listening could be looked at as the foundation for developing the skills mentioned above. It is essentially the act of comprehending spoken language, and it’s usually paired with speech.

The above components of language arts basically signify how languages occur and work. Everything relating to listening, speech, reading, and writing is part of a language arts program.

Over the years, academicians have tried breaking down the broad objective of communicating ideas via language into specific skills to work upon. Most language arts courses, therefore, include the following skills/topics:

  • Alphabets
  • Phonics
  • Rhyming words
  • Handwriting
  • Sentence structure
  • Punctuation
  • Vocabulary
  • Public speaking
  • Proofreading
  • Spelling
  • Reference skills (using a dictionary, alphabetizing, etc.)
  • Word study (synonyms, homonyms, suffixes, prefixes)
  • Capitalization, etc.

Most conventional language arts programs focus on those skills as individual subjects (usually fifteen or more). Breaking down the major topics into subtopics helps with learning and makes the process a lot more interesting.

Capitalization Rules for “Language Arts”

As mentioned above, “language arts” are capitalized when they denote the name of a subject or course. They also get capitalized if they are part of a proper noun or name of an event, such as “Language Arts Award”.

The phrase “language arts” is partially capitalized when it’s a common noun but is placed at the beginning of a sentence. For example:

  • Language arts are primarily divided into language and literature.

If the same phrase were part of a proper noun or a name of a course, the above sentence would be written as:

do you capitalize english language arts
do you capitalize english language arts
  • Language Arts 101 is primarily divided into language and literature.

Generally, when a noun is immediately followed by numerals, it is capitalized – and “language arts” is no exception to that rule. Also, if “language arts” is used immediately after a colon (:) in a sentence, the word “language” is capitalized. The second term in the phrase “arts” will be lowercase, except if “language arts” in that context is a proper noun.

Not to mention, if “language arts” is part of a title or headline, it is capitalized. But if the title or headline is in sentence case, the phrase “language arts” will be in lowercase too. And if “language arts” is at the beginning of the title, the word “language” alone will be capitalized.

Using “Language Arts” with Adjoining Words

Another capitalization rule about “language arts” that may confuse some is when the phrase is used with another term – for instance, as a course title. The basic rule is to capitalize department titles and specific courses. But when the word is referred to generally, it should not be capitalized.

When referring to the phrase “English language arts”, the noun “English”, of course, is capitalized as it’s a proper noun or name of a specific language. However, “language arts” in the phrase is not capitalized because, as mentioned above, it’s a general noun.

The confusion here is mainly because the two individual terms “English” and “language arts” can be used as specific course names and also in general speech.

If the phrase “English language arts” denotes a specific course, you may capitalize the phrase in its entirety. For example:

  • Her class schedule comprised of U.S. History, English Language Arts, and Mathematics.

All three fields or subject names are capitalized above because they denote course titles. If those were referred to generally, they would not be capitalized. For example:

  • In high school, she studied U.S. history, English language arts, and mathematics.

The same terms could assume different meanings based on their contexts, and their capitalization or lack of it is an indication of that context.

do you capitalize english language arts
do you capitalize english language arts

School Subject Names and Capitalization Rules

School subject names are usually capitalized if they are proper names. However, it could be a tad confusing to ascertain which subject names are proper nouns and which ones are general nouns.

When a school subject name is being talked about generally, you need not capitalize it. For instance, subjects such as chemistry, physics, math, etc. are not capitalized. But if the subject is the name of a particular language or is a proper noun, it should not be written in lowercase. In other words, Spanish, German, French, etc. are proper nouns and must be capitalized.

When talking about a particular course or class, such as Math 100 or Chemistry 241, capitalize them. Course titles such as Childhood Psychology and History of the Russian Revolution are also capitalized.

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