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what happens when we take a risk while driving

what happens when we take a risk while driving

what happens when we take a risk while driving

Hi,welcome to solsarin site,today we want to talk about“what happens when we take a risk while driving”thank you for choosing us.

what happens when we take a risk while driving,

We let someone or something else take control of the situation.You exhibit the irresponsible actions and attitude of the complete dangerous idiot! Of which, alas, there are all too many. They are the people who, when stopped by the police, respond with an insolent, ‘Why aren’t you out catching burglars?’ The hard fact is that idiot drivers kill far more people than burglars who, wicked as they are, kill very few.

Vehicle damage

Most people would be extremely upset at the prospect of something bad happening to their car. Repairing even minor damage to your vehicle is often expensive and may affect your insurance. If your car breaks down altogether, you may have to cope without it – this is every car owner’s worst nightmare!

If your vehicle is damaged as the result of a risky maneuver, you may be lucky and get away with a few dents to the bodywork,

or you may have to pay out for replacement parts to get it back on the road. Even minor damage can wrack up a sizable bill as your car must always be checked out by a mechanic following a collision or crash. Often,

the damage may appear to be superficial but essential systems or components have been affected.

You would be surprised just how much vehicle repairs can set you back. According to a 2013 survey conducted by the Insurance Research Council, the average insurance claim for a vehicle in the United States was $3,000. Replacing a major component in a vehicle frequently costs $10,000 or more. If you are very fortunate, your insurance provider will cover the full cost of the repairs; though often, car owners are required to pay an “excess” fee to make an insurance claim. You will still be financially affected if your insurance company pays the full repair cost, as your rates will go up as a result of your crash. Damaging your vehicle in a collision can have a long-lasting, negative impact on your life.

Frighteningly, vehicle damage is a best-case scenario if you are involved in an accident, crash or collision. At the moment before an imminent crash, vehicle damage is the outcome you are hoping for.

what happens when we take a risk while driving
what happens when we take a risk while driving

How Risky Is Distracted Driving?

NHTSA estimated in 2012 that distraction was a factor about 10 percent of all fatal motor vehicle crashes and 18 percent of all crashes causing injury. The exact toll is unknown because Investigators often have difficulty measuring the extent to which driver distraction is a contributing factor in a crash. Wireless device records are usually only accessed in cases of death or serious injury,

drivers may not admit fault and police may not always be able to discern the role of distraction. Methods of reporting are improving, but current estimates likely underestimate how frequently distraction causes crashes.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has sponsored research on distracted driving since the early 1990s.

The Foundation’s analysis of data from a 2006 study conducted by  Virginia Tech’s Transportation Institute revealed that taking your eyes off the road for more than two seconds doubles your risk of a crash.

The Foundation’s annual Traffic Safety Culture Index, which measures national attitudes towards road safety,

consistently finds that drivers are willing to engage in distracting behaviors behind the wheel despite knowing the dangers.

Distracted Driving

According to the 2013 Traffic Safety Culture Index,

83 percent of motorists rated texting while driving and 58 percent rated cell phone use very serious threats to their safety, yet many admitted performing these distracting behaviors while driving within the previous month. Further,

88 percent of respondents said that distracted drivers were somewhat or a much bigger problem today than they were just three years ago.
The pervasiveness of a ‘do as I say,

not as I do’ attitude toward distracted driving highlights the need to spread awareness of the risks and work with drivers to increase safety on the roads.
The Foundation is conducting groundbreaking research on the role of mental distraction in crashes,

including the safety of voice-activated communications technologies.

what happens when we take a risk while driving
what happens when we take a risk while driving

Risk factors for motor vehicle crashes that are particularly elevated among teenage drivers include:

Teenage passengers

Distraction while driving, including from using cell phones and texting
driving excessive speeds, close following, and other risky driving
Drinking and driving. While drinking and driving is not very high among novices, it causes a disproportionate number of fatal crashes. In the later teen years and young adulthood, drinking and driving increases greatly.

Driving at night
Being male. Teenage boys, especially ones with male passengers, are involved in more car crashes than teenage girls. However, the number of females involved in car crashes is increasing.
Social norms. Risky driving among teenage drivers is higher among teens who report that their friends drive in a risky manner.

Often, several of these risk factors are present: In particular, teens who text while driving are more likely to have other risky driving behaviors as well, compared to those who don’t text while driving. These additional risk factors include drinking and driving and not using a seatbelt.8 In addition, young drivers who own their cars may take more risks. They are more likely to speed, especially at night, and have two or more teen passengers with them.6

A positive factor for teen drivers is the presence of an adult passenger. One study showed that teen crash rates were 75% lower when an adult was in the car.

Many factors contribute to the degree of risk when you drive. Some are obvious, such as bad weather and poor roads. However, there are five less obvious ways that you can do to reduce your risk on the road.

reduce risk

1- Keep your vehicle in top condition– Make sure your brakes are working properly, your tires are properly inflated and your windows are clean. . The better the condition of your vehicle and the position of your body and your mirrors within the car will give you more control when driving.

2-Anticipate the actions of others– Good drivers, drive defensively. They identify cues to behavior that help them predict how other drivers will act or react. Many drivers often act without thinking or communicating, so you must learn to search for clues.

3-Take steps to protect yourself and others– Wearing your seatbelt can save you and your passengers from death or serious injury. Turning on your low-beam headlights at all times,

even during the day reduces risk by increasing the ability of others to see you. Make sure to do a safety check each

time you get in your car which includes- seat adjustments. mirror adjustments. and puting on your seatbelt.

4-Drive only when you are in sound physical and mental condition– Check yourself to make sure you feel alert and clearheaded- if you’re overly tired,

or thinking about an upcoming test or argument you’ve had it will distract you from giving full attention to your driving.

5-Make a conscious effort to develop your driving skills-Just because you have your license doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stop learning. When driving always be thinking about your surroundings and paying attention to the road. The more you take driving seriously, the better driver you will become.

what happens when we take a risk while driving
what happens when we take a risk while driving

Risky Driving and Associated Factors

Not all crashes are due to risky driving, but research suggests that risky driving increases crash risk, particularly speeding. Notably, driving too fast for conditions is a common factor in crashes because,

among other reasons, speed reduces the amount of time available to react to events and increases stopping distances. Therefore,

elevated gravitational force (g-force) events caused by sudden acceleration or deceleration and hard turns are another important measure of risky driving.

The relationship of elevated g-force events to crash risk has been of particular interest since,

the advent of in-vehicle monitoring devices equipped with accelerometers. Elevated g-force events due to rapid acceleration and

deceleration can reduce the amount of time available to respond to hazards and increase the potential for loss of vehicle control.. Not surprisingly,

fleet operators commonly install in-vehicle monitoring devices in trucks and record elevated g-force events in an effort to reduce this form of “risky driving” among truck drivers.These monitoring devices are now marketed to the families of young drivers and

several studies have reported declines in risky driving among young drivers after the installation of these devices with immediate feedback to the driver and stored feedback to the parents.

Associated Factors

Despite the growing interest in the prevention of risky driving among novice teenage drivers,

there is limited information about the factors associated with teenage risky driving. Adolescents are thought to take more risks than adults in general and with respect to driving. As noted,

risky driving is greater among teenagers in the presence of teenage passengers, particularly teenage male passengers. Other factors that have been associated with

risky driving among teenagers include sensation seeking temperament

,risk taking propensity,actual risk taking behavior,  lax parental management, and affiliation with risk-taking peers. Adolescents may be particularly susceptible to peer influence, which can include overt pressure and subtle influence on social norms that encourage or discourage risk behavior where adolescents behave in ways they perceive to be acceptable and expected by their close friends and peer group.

what happens when we take a risk while driving,

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