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national animal of tanzania

national animal of tanzania

national animal of tanzania

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national animal of tanzania
national animal of tanzania

Their range covers central and southern Kenya and most of Tanzania. An isolated population of Masai giraffe exists in the South Luangwa Valley in northeastern Zambia (formerly known as Luangwa or Thornicroft’s giraffe) and an extralimital population (outside their natural range) in Akagera National Park, Rwanda.

Giraffe are the national animal of Tanzania and the country is home to the largest population of Masai giraffe in the wild. One of the greatest threats to Masai giraffe is the rapid increase and expansion of human populations and settlements. Habitat loss and fragmentation due to increasing pressure on land for agricultural and pastoral use, poaching for bushmeat and traditional medicine, and prolonged droughts are undoubtedly the most severe threats to Masai giraffe survival in the wild.

Through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI), GCF is helping to drive Masai giraffe conservation efforts and mitigate threats.


Animals in Tanzania

Tanzania is a country in eastern Africa. It borders Uganda to the north, the Indian Ocean to the east, and Rwanda to the west. Tanzania’s geography includes savannahs, wetlands, grassland plains, and wooded forests. The climate can vary from hot in the plains to cool and temperate in the mountains. It is home to Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain, and Lake Tanganyika, the world’s second deepest lake.

Animals native to Tanzania include cheetahs, lions, wildebeests, gazelles, ostriches, elephants, and giraffes. Tanzania has the highest number of predators in Africa, and these include leopards, jackals, hyenas, and big cats. Reptiles include agama lizards and crocodiles.

Interesting Facts About Wildlife in Tanzania


Tanzania has the largest animal population density of any country in the world. There are more animals per square mile of land in Tanzania than anywhere else.

Tanzania has a huge variety of animals. Its fields, wetlands and forests are home to:

  • 430 mammal species.
  • 1,112 bird species.
  • 60,000 insect species.
  • 100 snake species.
  • Hundreds of fish, reptiles, and amphibians.

What Is Tanzania’s National Animal?

national animal of tanzania
national animal of tanzania

Tanzania has chosen the graceful, intriguing giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) as its national animal. Standing an average of 20 feet tall, the giraffe is the tallest land mammal on earth. Giraffes are social animals. They travel in groups of 10 to 12 females with their young. The males travel separately.

Although there are many giraffes in Tanzania, the World Wildlife Fund says their population numbers are declining. Habitat loss and poaching have put giraffes in a “vulnerable” status for conservation.

Where To Find The Top Wild Animals in Tanzania


Almost 40% of the country has been turned into wildlife preserves, conservation areas, and marine conservation areas. Tanzania has 17 national parks that cover more than 16,000 square miles.

What You Can See on Safari in Tanzania


The wildebeest great migration happens in October and November. During the migration, wildebeests travel across the Serengeti in huge herds. This migration includes more than 200,000 zebras and 300,000 Thomson’s gazelles.

A drive safari or game drive is the most popular way to view animals. This allows you to watch them from the comfort and safety of a closed vehicle. You can even take a balloon safari, which takes you across the whole park.

Some of the best places to see Tanzanian wildlife on safari are Serengeti National Park, Selous Game Reserve, Tarangire National Park, and Mkomazi National Park.


In the wetlands areas, your safari adventure will include sightings of flamingoes, ducks, hippos, waterbucks, common warthogs, crocodiles, and sitatatungas or marshbucks.

Zanzibar Island is part of Tanzania, and the island has its own unique ecology. The coral reefs and mangrove forests are home to whales, dolphins, sea turtles, manta rays, colobus monkeys, dik-diks, Mozambique cobras, and Pemba flying foxes. Zanzibar has one national park and many protected marine areas.

Endangered Animals in Tanzania


Despite efforts to protect Tanzania’s rich, unique wildlife, some animals are endangered.

  • Aders’ duiker (Cephalophus adersi): This small, beautiful, deer-like animal lives primarily in Kenya, Tanzania, and Zanzibar Island. It stands about a foot tall and has a reddish coat with a gray neck and striped ears.
  • Desperate shrew (Crocidura desperate): This endemic mammal lives in Tanzania’s tropical forest areas. It is a small animal with a long, pointed snout and dark-colored fur. There are desperate shrews in Uzungwe National Park.
  • Common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes): As a species, chimpanzees are closer to humans than they are to gorillas or orangutans. They are highly social animals that live in complex societies. Habitat loss, the illegal pet trade, and diseases have caused dramatic drops in chimpanzee populations. They are already extinct in at least four African countries.
  • Eastern black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis michaeli): This large, dark-colored rhino has a long, curved horn. It can reach 12 feet and weigh 3000 pounds. Illegal poaching for its horns has caused it to become endangered.

The Most Dangerous Animals In Tanzania

national animal of tanzania
national animal of tanzania

Many dangerous animals live in Tanzania.

  • Mosquito: The tiny mosquito spreads malaria, which causes more deaths in Africa than any other disease.
  • Black mamba: This venomous snake can grow up to 14 feet. Its venom is so powerful it can completely incapacitate a grown adult. An untreated bite will cause cardiac collapse and death in about seven hours.
  • African buffalo: They kill more than 200 people a year. Also known as the Cape buffalo, this animal is stronger than an ox and can weigh a ton or more. Cape buffaloes have massive horns and travel in large herds. It takes an entire pack of lions or cheetahs to bring down one cape buffalo.
  • Hippopotamus: After the African elephant, the hippopotamus is the second largest animal on earth. Although they seem fat and lazy, hippos are dangerous. They can weigh over three tons and run more than 30 miles per hour. They are known to attack and kill humans.

What is the national symbol of Tanzania?

Coat of arms of Tanzania
Supporters A representation of Mount Kilimanjaro. Elephant tusks are supported by a man and a woman, with a clove bush at the feet of the man and a cotton bush at the feet of the woman.
Motto Uhuru na Umoja “Freedom and Unity” (Swahili)

Why is a giraffe important?

Why are giraffes important? Giraffe’s are vital to keeping ecosystems in balance. They eat the browse that others cannot reach, which promotes growth of forage and opens up areas for themselves and other smaller browsers to make use of.

Who is the national animal of Tanzania ‘? *?

Masai giraffe
The Masai giraffe is Tanzania’s national animal and much loved, but the subspecies is in serious trouble.

How many national symbols are there in Tanzania?

six national symbols
By the end of the lesson the students will be able to: • identify the six national symbols of Tanzania • explain what each symbol represents to Tanzania.


Is giraffe losing value?

The world’s tallest land animal has lost 40 percent of its population in just 30 years, and recent reports show poaching and wildlife trafficking are contributing to this decline. Giraffes are easily killed and poaching (now more often for their meat and hide) continues today.

Which country has dog as national animal?

National animals

Country Name of animal Scientific name (Latin name)
Mexico Golden eagle (national animal) Aquila chrysaetos
Xoloitzcuintli (national dog) Canis lupus familiaris
Chapulin (national arthropod) Sphenarium purpurascens
Ocelot (national feline) Leopardus pardalis

What are the 10 national symbols?

Why is the giraffe the national animal of Tanzania?

Due to its height, the giraffe represents the ability to view life from all angles, and it reminds Tanzanians to live life accordingly. It is a friendly creature, full of grace and strength, and the pride of Tanzania.

Which is the national animal of Mauritius and Tanzania?

The Dodo has become famous as the “poster-animal” of extinction, and its story is kept alive in the museums, business names, and stamps of Mauritius. Tanzania has chosen the Masai giraffe as its national animal. While on safari in Tanzania, it may seem that the giraffe is abundant but that is not the case.

Are there any giraffes left in the world that are endangered?

That assessment was confirmed in 2018, and Masai giraffe now join reticulated giraffes as endangered; two other giraffe subspecies are critically endangered.

national animal of tanzania
national animal of tanzania
Which is the national animal of each African country?

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Tanzania is the largest country in East Africa and includes the islands of Zanzibar, Pemba, and Mafia. About twice the size of California, this African country is bordered by the Indian Ocean and eight countries: Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique.

Mount Kilimanjaro, once an active volcano, is the highest point in Africa and is bordered by three of the largest lakes on the continent: Lake Victoria (the world’s second-largest freshwater lake) in the north, Lake Tanganyika in the west, and Lake Nyasa in the southwest.

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