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when should you cover the brake?

When should you cover the brake?

When should you cover the brake?

Hello and welcome to our site solsarin. Today, we want to know more about “When should you cover the brake?. So, here we go!


When should you cover the brake?
When should you cover the brake?


When Should You Cover The Brake? It’s A Necessity, Not A Choice!

While driving a car in a crowded place or parking in a small area, we all know how important the reaction time is. In fact, it’s a nightmare for every driver to go through a crowded place where they have to use the brakes to avoid crashes or accidents.

If you drive a car daily, you’ve used the cover braking. Well, you might not know the name of it, but you used it in your daily life. Covering the brake technique is using the right foot on top of your left one to use it for braking.

However, if you haven’t used it, well, you’re actually missing out on something important and big. So that’s why it’s important to know what is cover braking and when should you cover the brake.

What Is Cover Braking?

So before we head on to know the benefits of covering the brake technique, we first need to know what covering the brakes means. Brake cover is a frequent method employed in various situations by drivers. It doesn’t need to be thoughtful or a particular effort. It’s a simple movement that will allow both you and your car to stay safe on a long-term basis.

While driving a car, we use our left leg to press the brakes and the right one to accelerate the car. But when driving in a congested area, the accelerator has almost little to no work as you’ve to use the brakes frequently. So that’s where cover the brake techniques comes in handy.

As there’s no work for the right leg, you simply just put it over the left one (you need to hover it, not press it). More specifically, you’d glide above the brake pedal and barely contact it with the lower side of your shoe. This technique allows to react quickly and helps to press the brakes quickly.

Hearing this, you might think this technique is not that useful But trust me, it actually is. 90% of the people have a quick reaction with the right leg over the left one. So when you put this leg on top of the left leg ultimately on the brake, it’ll be much easier to stop our car by applying the brake lever. This technique prepares you to react to everything quickly.

Simply put, here’s what covering the break is-

  1. Shift your right leg from the accelerator to your left leg on the brake
  2. Just touching the right leg on the left feet on (no pressure)
  3. Not applying the brake lever with two legs. Rather, it’s a preparation for quick reacting and applying brakes in need.

When Should You Cover The Brake?

Essentially, the brake cover is a technique whereby you hold your foot or hand on your motorcycle’s brake pedal after you’ve taken it off the accelerator. By using this strategy, you will be better placed to improve your response time.

By learning when you should cover the brake, you will be better placed to react well whenever you find yourself in a situation in which you have to come to an abrupt stop. In these situations, your foot/hand will now be over the brake pedal – a position in which you can easily press down on the brakes and stop.

A fraction of a second faster on your brakes might be the sole reason why you saved a couple of meters in your stop. It might also end up being the main difference between getting into a grisly accident and saving yourself/others.

One of the situations you should cover the brake is when you are riding through heavy traffic. In this case, you always have to ensure that you can easily come to a sudden stop or slow down when and as the conditions require.

By cover braking, therefore, you will get the opportunity to make a smooth transition from fast accelerate to breaking. It also works well for slowing down over relatively small distances.

However, as you learn about all the conditions when you should cover the brake, it is imperative that you remember never to press down on the brake pedal – a situation referred to as riding the brake.

So, when should you cover the brake? The following are a couple of the scenarios in which covering your brake will prove beneficial should the need ever arise. Learning how to do so at the right time will enable you to avoid most of the common accidents riders fall prey to:

1. Parked Cars

As a rider, you will pass parked cars several times in any given day. To avoid getting into trouble, cover your brake. You should also ride within a car door’s width away from any parked vehicle you come across.

While doing so, be careful and prepare yourself to come to a sudden halt in case any of the car doors open or if anything/anyone emerges from behind/in front of the parked car.


When should you cover the brake?
When should you cover the brake?


2. Vehicles With Brake Lights On

In the same way, you need to cover the brake when you see any other vehicle switching on its brake lights. In case the car breaks as a reaction to something, you will be better prepared to also come to a stop.

3. Signal Lights

As you approach a signal light or any crossing point, you need to cover the brake so that you can easily back off when it’s called for. Braking will allow you to assess the area and any activity in the vicinity without worrying that you could ride into something/someone.

Always be on the lookout at signal/stop lights and assess the movement of traffic before you continue riding head-on. Additionally, check if the lights are about to change before driving.

4. Slippery Tracks

Riding a motorcycle on a slippery track is harder than you might assume. In fact, this situation will test your riding skills more than anything else will. By covering the brake on a slippery track, you will be better placed to come to a sudden stop or slow down in good time – especially if you feel your tires slipping and sliding in the mud and grime.

Braking will give you enough grip so that you can hold onto your bike as it runs over the track.

5. Crowded Areas

At times, you might have to pass through a crowded area. This is another situation when you should cover the brake. After all, there’s not telling if someone will suddenly come out of nowhere and force you to make an unprepared stop.

By covering the brakes, you will be in a better position to control your bike and avoid hitting people or any other obstacle that might suddenly come in your line of riding.

6. Country Roads

As any experienced biker will inform you, riding on a country road is more challenging than it seems. Most of these roads are quite narrow, rough, and contain bumpy rides.

In the same way, country roads are sometimes frequented by animals. As you ride down one, therefore, an animal might suddenly leap onto the road. Covering your brakes will prove useful if this should happen.

7. Erratic Drivers

At times, you might come across erratic drivers as you are riding your lovely motorbike. Since there’s no telling what such drivers might do, you need to cover the brake and prepare yourself for anything.


Driving test manoeuvres should be completed extremely slowly and can in many cars be completed by using the clutch alone without the need of the accelerator. If your car allows this, you can cover the brake whilst performing the manoeuvre. This makes the process of stopping much faster if the need arises.


Hold your feet slightly above the pedals and try not to depress them. Simply covering the pedals and not depressing them often allows the car to sufficiently slow down. Even slightly pressing the brake or clutch when covering will cause wear on the brake pads and discs and also on the clutch plates. This could cause the brake and clutch to prematurely wear and need replacing.


The “covering the brake” technique can be used effectively in the following situations:

  • When driving next to parked cars – this allows for faster braking response if a person should walk into the road or if a car door opens for example/ When you see the brake lights of other cars – allows you to prepare the car for slowing or stopping in good time
  • When approaching signal lights – when approaching light signals or other hazards such as Zebra crossings, this allows you to stop faster if necessary


When should you cover the brake?
When should you cover the brake?



Covering the brake is not a choice but a necessity and must be performed at all times while driving your car through crowded places, signals, or even while parking it. Making yourself used to cover the brake will allow you to drive safer and prevent your risk of injury on the road. Overall, there’s no covering too much of the brake.

So when should you cover the brake? You already know! If you’re using this covering the braking technique, now’s the time to make it a habit!


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