
how long does it take for a dog to learn its name

how long does it take for a dog to learn its name?

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how long does it take for a dog to learn its name?

The length of time it takes a dog to learn their name is usually between a few days and a few weeks. This is influenced by your dog’s intelligence, age, and individual factors. Many puppies are able to learn their name in just a few days with regular training and lots of positive reinforcement. However, this is not the same for every dog.

If you own an older rescue dog who has never learned their name, then it may take a while to do so. However, it is certainly not impossible. Perseverance really is key with training. Even if your dog is unresponsive to their name for two weeks does not mean they are not slowly building an association between a reaction and hearing their name. You also need to be sure you are rewarding them at the right time. A treat or whatever form of positive reinforcement needs to be given immediately after a response to the name.

how long does it take for a dog to learn its name

How long does it take for a dog to recognize its owner?

Aside from bonding in general, it often takes dogs between two days and two months to get used to the presence of their owners in general.

How do you teach a dog its name?

Practice makes perfect Practice a minimum of 10 times per day, say the dog’s name (from 2 to 6 feet away) and as soon as the dog looks at you, mark this behaviour with a marker word such as “yes” or a clicker and reward with food or play while giving lots of praise.

Is it hard for a dog to learn a new name?

An overuse of the same sound in your household will make it difficult for her to learn her new name, and will only lead to confusion down the road. It’s also best to avoid names like Mo or Bo, as they sound too much like “no”. Your dog might think she’s being scolded every time you call her!

What is the hidden value in a dog loving her name?

  • It can be used as an attention-getter. Your dog will run, not walk, to you when she hears her name.
  • You can use her name to interrupt and distract her from any behavior (e.g., barking, chewing inappropriate items) that you want to stop. Remember to keep your tone happy; you don’t want the dog to associate her name with a reprimand.
  • You can use her name and the positive associations she has with it to help her become more comfortable in scary situations. For example, you can say her name and consequently have her focus on you when walking by something that makes her fearful or anxious. If she is relaxed and distracted until you pass the scary situation, she will realize that it wasn’t as frightening as in the past.
  • If your dog knows her name and has good recall, you can call her away from a potentially dangerous situation.
how long does it take for a dog to learn its name

Choosing a Name

Throughout your dog’s life, you’ll have to repeat his name many times. Give him an easy-to-say, likeable name, rather than a difficult or awkward name that might trigger questions and strange looks. A short, sharp-sounding, two-syllable name, such as Muffin, Sammie or Boomer, is easier for your pet companion to recognize than a one-syllable name. Ideally, avoid names that have more than three syllables.

Practice makes perfect

Practice a minimum of 10 times per day, say the dog’s name (from 2 to 6 feet away) and as soon as the dog looks at you, mark this behaviour with a marker word such as “yes” or a clicker and reward with food or play while giving lots of praise.


Once your pet companion consistently listens to his name, gradually extend the duration before giving the treat. You ultimately want him to focus on you for about 15 seconds. Then move the training to a busier area with more distractions, and eventually, move the training outdoors. Also, gradually reduce the treats and only give them periodically. Your goal is to get your dog’s attention by calling his name regardless of what’s going on around him.

Orientation game

  1. Start in a place where there is least potential for distraction and where your dog is used to playing with you.
  2. Throw a piece of your dog’s daily food allowance out (about one meter away).
  3. After they finish eating, they will naturally look back to you for more, mark this with a ‘yes’ or a click and throw another piece.
  4. Once your dog is turning back consistently, introduce your dog’s name just before they turn around then mark and reward.
  5. You can make this game more exciting and keep your dog interested by putting a treat on the floor and as soon as your dog has eaten the food, say their name and run backwards. When they come, reward with food or a toy and give lots of praise.
  6. Place another reward on the floor then repeat, have FUN!
how long does it take for a dog to learn its name

Sings of a Dog Knowing Their Name

If a dog is able to recognize their name, there are a ton of different ways you can evaluate whether they actually know their name or if they are just simply responding to your tone of voice and it has become a habit. If your dog is able to recognize their name when you call them, many dogs will come running to you right away. For instance, your dog may be in another room or in another part of the house and as soon as they hear you calling for them, they respond right away by running to where you are. If they respond to you calling them, this may be a sign your dog knows their name. Your dog may also look in your direction or acknowledge you when you say their name if your dog is in the same room as you.

You can also test them a little bit further and try calling out different names to see if they actually come to their name or if they will come to any name you say if your tone of voice is the same. If your dog comes to any name when you call in an upbeat and excited manner, it is more likely they are responding to the tone of your voice than they are to their actual name. If they do only respond to their name, you can also look out for body language signs as well. They may respond positively or in an excited manner when you say their name, they may tilt their head, perk up their ears, look and listen to you, wag their tail with excitement, raise their tail, be alert, and may even bark in response to their name when you call them.

Why Teach Your Dog Their Name?

Teaching your dog their name is important for a number of factors. These include deterring or calling your dog in an emergency situation. Which holds the possibility of saving their life. Furthermore, it can help you to create a strong bond with your dog. Firstly, the initial training is a fun experience you two share together. This time is enjoyable for your dog and is reinforced with something they love, such as treats. The experiments combined with the positive reinforcement helps to create a positive association between you and good things that your dog likes. Ultimately, there is no downside to training your dog to learn their name and multiple positives.

What’s In a Name? Only Good Things

Whatever you’ve decided to call your dog – whether it’s Shadow, Stella, or Spike – you can use positive reinforcement training to teach him to respond to it by associating the name with something pleasant. Get a handful of small, soft treats that your dog can quickly and easily chew and swallow. You may also want to have a clicker handy. Start in a quiet, enclosed area such as your living room.

how long does it take for a dog to learn its name


  • Wait until your dog is not looking at you and then say the name in a very bright and happy tone. As soon as your dog turns to look at you, mark this with a clicker or a word to let the dog know this is the right reaction, a word like “yes” or “good,” and then immediately give your dog a treat. Repeat this process several times throughout the day, and soon your new family member will whirl around every time he hears his name.
  • If you’re having trouble getting your pup to respond, move to a less distracting and smaller area or try changing treats to something of higher value to the dog – such as small pieces of cooked chicken or turkey meatball – always praising, as well as giving a treat.
  • Once your dog responds to his name consistently, try upping the ante. Move across the room and say his name. Or say his name and wait until he looks at your face, rather than just turning toward you, before giving the treat. When you get the attention you want every time, try intermittent treats but always give verbal praise. Add distractions and move the lessons outside.
  • You can play the name game any time. It’s easy to do, even when you are watching television or cooking dinner and your dog is hanging out with you. When you take him for a walk, call your pup’s name and expect his attention.
  • Consistency is important, so you want to reinforce this behavior many times – first every time and then intermittently – until you get an automatic, solid reaction. Eventually, your dog will respond to his name for the praise and love you give – and treats won’t be necessary.

Is it hard for a puppy to learn a new name?

The short answer is, no it isn’t hard to teach a dog a new name. Once you have decided on the name you want to give your dog, all you have to do is begin using that name in association with the dog. The more you use the name the faster he’ll learn that that’s his name.

You can train your dog to recognize his name by associating it with something he loves, like food. Most dogs love treats and will do almost anything for one. So if you give him a treat every time you say his name, before long he’ll associate his name with something positive; he’ll learn his name because the word will make him think of treats!


fateme hasani

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