month of july named after

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month of july named after

July and August were named after two major figures of the ancient Roman world – the statesman Julius Caesar (on the left above, slightly damaged!) and Rome’s first emperor, Augustus.

Named to honor Roman dictator Julius Caesar (100 B.C.– 44 B.C.) after his death. In 46 B.C., Julius Caesar made one of his greatest contributions to history: With the help of Sosigenes, he developed the Julian calendar, the precursor to the Gregorian calendar we use today.

The month of July was named in honour of Julius Ceaser after his death in 44 BC as July was his birth month. In the ancient Roman calendar, his month came at the fifth position and was called ‘Quintilis’, which means ‘fifth’.

month of july named after

Who is July named for?

July was named in honor of Julius Caesar. Quintilis, which was his birth month, was renamed July when he died. Quintilis means “fifth month” in Latin, which represents where this month originally fell in the Roman calendar. (If you think the story behind July is odd, check out why Tuesday is Tiw’s Day.)

Don’t forget to calendar some time to learn what else is behind the word July. Visit this article to get more insight into its history and significance.

Another of Julius Caesar’s legacies is the C-section. The Cesareansection is “an operation by which a fetus is taken from the uterus by cutting through the walls of the abdomen and uterus.” It has been rumored that Julius Caesar himself was born in this way, although historians tend to pooh-pooh this etymology.

How do we celebrate July?

July is a festive month. We celebrate the Fourth of July (also known as Independence Day) a US holiday in commemoration of July 4, 1776, the day on which the original 13 colonies of the United States declared independence from British rule. July 14 marks the fall of the Bastille in 1789, and the day known as Bastille Day is a national holiday of the French republic.

July 14 is International Nonbinary Person’s Day, which raises awareness about those who do not fit into the binary male/female division.

Every four years, athletes from all over the world gather to compete in the Olympic Games, which will be held in July in 2021.

At, we’re commemorating emoji on World Emoji Day on July 17. If you’re a foodie, you have your pick of days: National Ice Cream Month (and National Ice Cream Day, July 18), National Hot Dog Month, World Chocolate Day (July 7), and National French Fry Day (July 13). (Why is it called a hot dog, anyway?)

July belongs to the zodiac signs Cancer (for those born between June 21 and July 22) and Leo (for those born between July 23 and August 22). Those born under these signs have their pick of words, from intuitive to benevolent (Cancer) and lionhearted to ardent (Leo).

month of july named after

History of July

The old Roman calendar started in March. The fifth month was called mens quintilis. In the year 154 BCE, a rebellion forced the Roman senate to change the beginning of the civil year from March to January 1. With this reform, Quintilis officially became the seventh month but kept its name (for the next 110 years).

After the murder of Julius Caesar on the Ides of March in 44 BCE, Rome was on the brink of civil war: Many within the Roman aristocracy wanted Caesar to be condemned as a tyrant who needed to be purged from history while the Roman citizens admired and adored Caesar. To stabilize the situation, the Roman senate chose to side with the people. They gave Caesar’s birth month Quintilis the new name mens iulius, the month of Julius.

How Our Calendar Came to Be?

The Ancient Roman Calendar

Today, we follow the Gregorian calendar, but it’s based on the ancient Roman calendar, believed to be invented by Romulus, who served as the first king of Rome around 753 BC.

The Roman calendar, a complicated lunar calendar, had 12 months like our current calendar, but only 10 of the months had formal names. Basically, winter was a “dead” period of time when the government and military wasn’t active, so they only had names for the time period we think of as March through December.

March (Martius) was named for Mars, the god of war, because this was the month when active military campaigns resumed. May (Maius) and June (Junius) were also named for goddesses: Maia and Juno. April (Aprilis) is thought to stem from Latin aperio, meaning “to open”—a reference to the opening buds of springtime. The rest of the months were simply numbered; their original names in Latin meant the fifth (Quintilis), sixth (Sextilis), seventh (September), eighth (October), ninth (November), and tenth (December) month.

Eventually, January (Januarius) and February (Februarius) were added to the end of the year, giving all 12 months proper names. January was named after Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and transitions, while February’s name is believed to stem from Februa, an ancient festival dedicated to ritual springtime cleaning and washing.

Julian Calendar Updates

When Julius Caesar became pontifex maximus, he reformed the Roman calendar so that the 12 months were based on Earth’s revolutions around the Sun. It was a solar calendar as we have today. January and February were moved to the front of the year, and leap years were introduced to keep the calendar year lined up with the solar year.

The winter months (January and February) remained a time of reflection, peace, new beginnings, and purification. After Caesar’s death, the month Quintilis was renamed July in honor of Julius Caesar in 44 BC and, later, Sextilis was renamed August in honor of Roman Emperor Augustus in 8 BC.

Of course, all the renaming and reorganizing meant that some of the months’ names no longer agreed with their position in the calendar (September to December, for example). Later emperors tried to name various months after themselves, but those changes did not outlive them!

month of july named after

Gregorian calendar

The calendar we use today is called “Gregorian” after Pope Gregory XIII, who very modestly decided to name it after himself after requesting that an astronomer called Calvius correct a flaw in the previous calendar. The resulting amendment, also called “civil” or “new style” calendar, is the now the standard, but it’s not the only system we have had. In fact, it’s not even the best. For example, some may argue that the Mayan calendar is more accurate than the Gregorian one, as it tracks the movement of the sun, the moon and several stars with such precision that they had no need to include a leap year.

If world history had been different and the Mayan civilization had developed in Western Europe instead of Central America, perhaps we would have very different names for our days and months. “Today is galactic serpent day,” would be something we might find ourselves saying. But the Mayan Empire collapsed due to a great drought, and the Romans were more strategically located, so our months are named after Roman gods, emperors and festivals.

The name August comes, in fact, from an emperor called Augustus. He was the adoptive son of the famous Julius Cesar, who had already named the previous month – his birthday month – after himself (July). So, Augustus followed the family tradition and he picked a lucky month in matters of state and war, for us to remember him by. Other emperors followed this interesting way to claim power, but for some mysterious whim of oral tradition, those names didn’t stick.

The calendar of Numa

Around 713 B.C., Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome, reformed the calendar significantly. The calendar was becoming important to more than agriculture, so it was necessary to assign the roughly 60 monthless days to two new months. Numa also gave each month an odd number of days, which was considered to be lucky:

  • Martius (31 days)
  • Aprilis (29)
  • Maius (31)
  • Iunius (29)
  • Quintilis (31)
  • Sextilis (29)
  • Septembris (29)
  • Octobris (31)
  • Novembris (29)
  • Decembris (29)
  • Ianuarius (29) — in honor of Janus
  • Februarius (28, 23 and 24) — for the purification festival of Februa
  • Intercalaris (27) — Intercalary month

This year totaled 355 days, whichwould still come out of sync with the seasons. So in some years, extra days were added, which is called “intercalation.” In these years, extra days were placed within the second half of February. Ideally, year lengths would run a four-year cycle of 355 – 377 – 355 – 378 days, averaging out to 366.25 days. Modern readers will notice this is a day too long, but in the end this did not matter because intercalations became a manner of politics rather than seasonal synchronicity.

The new months of January and February were placed at the end of the religious year, but they soon became associated with beginning of the civil year. By around 450 B.C. January was generally considered the first month of the year.

month of july named after

Holidays in July

Independence Day

Independence Day or “Fourth of July” is one of the most important holidays in the United States. On July 4, Americans celebrate their declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776. moreover,People enjoy the day with barbeques, family events, and fireworks. Patriotic displays are organized throughout the United States.

Bastille Day

What the Fourth of July is for US-Americans, Bastille Day is for the French. On July 14, 1789, soldiers stormed the Bastille, a royal fortress in Paris—the French Revolution started soon after. Today, Bastille Day is the French national holiday, celebrated with flags, parades, and fireworks.

Where do the month names come from?

Name Comes from Who or what? Why?
January Janus God of Doors This month opens the year.
February februo purify This was a Roman month of sacrifices and purification.
March Mars God of War Start of year for soldiers (no fighting during winter)
April aperire open This is the month when trees open their leaves.
May Maia Goddess of Growth This is the month when plants really start to grow.
June Juno Queen of the Gods
July Julius Caesar Ruler of Rome He reorganised the calendar.
August Augustus Ruler of Rome He thought he was at least as important as Julius Caesar!
September septem seven Seventh month (counting from March)
October octo eight Eighth month (counting from March)
November novem nine Ninth month (counting from March)
December decem ten Tenth month (counting from March)


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