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when were cats domesticated

when were cats domesticated

when were cats domesticated

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How did cats become domesticated?


By studying ancient cat DNA from all over the world,

the researchers found that cat domestication began in the Fertile Crescent

(in the Neolithic period) and accelerated later in ancient Egypt (in the Classical period)

(Ottoni and others 2017).

Other scientists have also discovered another potential instance of cat domestication. J.D. Vigne studied skeletal remains of cats in China and found that there may have been a short-lived domestication of leopards in China,

independent of domestication elsewhere

(Vigne and others 2016).

Scientists have also used coat colors and patterns to study other aspects of cats.

For example, V.J. Crossley found that depending on their breed, coat color, and hair length, cats may be more susceptible to hyperthyroidism (Crossley and others 2017).

The study suggests an increased risk of hyperthyroidism for longhair non-purebred cats, but a decreased risk for many pedigreed longhair cats compared to domestic shorthairs (Crossley and others 2017)

Many experts are also curious as to whether there is a link between coat color and behavior.

E.A. Stelow used an online survey study and found that there may be a slightly better chance for tortoiseshell, calico, gray and white,

and black and white cats to be more aggressive than others (Stelow and others 2015).

Another question is whether coat color impacts the length of time a cat will stay in a shelter. W.P. Brown concluded that younger and lighter colored cats generally find homes more quickly than older and darker colored cats (Brown and Morgan 2014).

These studies show that the history of cat domestication and the connection to coat colors and patterns is a topic of interest in the scientific community today.

There is still much to learn about the history of cat domestication.


The cat (Felis catus) is a domestic species of a small carnivorous mammal.

.A cat can either be a house cat, a farm cat or a feral cat; the latter ranges freely and avoids human contact.

Its night vision and sense of smell are well developed.

Cat communication includes vocalizations like meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling and grunting as well as cat-specific body language.

It can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small mammals.

 Cats also secrete and perceive pheromones.

Female domestic cats can have kittens from spring to late autumn, with litter sizes often ranging from two to five kittens.

but their proliferation and the abandonment of pets has resulted in large numbers of feral cats worldwide, contributing to the extinction of entire bird, mammal,

and reptile species.


A Brief History of House Cats

It has taken a while for scientists to piece together the riddle of just when and where cats first became domesticated.

One would think that the archaeological record might answer the question easily, but wild cats and domesticated cats have remarkably similar skeletons, complicating the matter.

Some clues first came from the island of Cyprus in 1983, when archaeologists found a cat’s jawbone dating back 8,000 years.

the finding suggested that domestication occurred before 8,000 years ago.

In 2004, the unearthing of an even older site at Cyprus,

Just last month, a study published in the research journal Science secured more pieces in the cat-domestication puzzle based on genetic analyses.

"<yoastmarkWhen humans were predominantly hunters, dogs were of great use, and thus were domesticated long before cats.

Cats, on the other hand, only became useful to people when we began to settle down, till the earth and—crucially—store surplus crops.

Were cats domesticated more than once?

The rise of cats may have been inevitable.

That’s one intriguing interpretation of a new study, which finds that early Chinese farmers may have domesticated wild felines known as leopard cats more than 5000 years ago.

Louis in Missouri.

“This is the leading edge in a shift in thinking about domestication processes.

This supported a longstanding hypothesis about how cats became domesticated:

Wild cats slunk into ancient farming villages to hunt rats and mice, and humans kept them around to combat these crop-destroying rodents.

Indeed, one of the Quanhucun cats, based on the wear of its teeth, appeared to be an older individual, perhaps suggesting that people had taken care of it.

But a big question remained.

.Several lines of evidence lead Vigne to believe the cats weren’t just wild neighbors, but rather in the early stages of domestication.

For one, the cats are a bit smaller than their wild leopard cat relatives, a hallmark of domestication.

“Even if what we’re seeing here is not full domestication, it’s an intensification of the relationship between cats and humans.”

None of today’s house cats share their genes, save for the Bengal breed, which was created by mating house cats with leopard cats in the 1960s to give them a wilder look.

Marshall thinks the introduction of domestic cats from elsewhere in the world may have ended local experiments with taming cats

“They may just have been easier to have around.”

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Cats Domesticated Themselves, Ancient DNA Shows

In true feline form, cats took their time deciding whether to jump into humans’ laps.

In a new comprehensive study of the spread of domesticated cats, DNA analysis suggests that cats lived for thousands of years alongside humans before they were domesticated

. During that time, their genes have changed little from those of wildcats, apart from picking up one recent tweak:

the distinctive stripes and dots of the tabby cat.

Two major cat lineages contributed to the domestic feline we know today, they report in a study published Monday in Nature Ecology & Evolution.

The earlier ancestors of today’s domestic cats spread from southwest Asia and into Europe as early as 4400 B.C. The cats likely started hanging around farming communities in the Fertile Crescent about 8,000 years ago, where they settled into a mutually beneficial relationship as humans’ rodent patrol.

(See little-known small cats in “Out of the Shadows, the Wildcats You’ve Never Seen.”)

Cats likely followed the rodent populations and, in turn, frequently approached the human settlements.

“This is probably how the first encounter between humans and cats occurred,” says study coauthor Claudio Ottoni of the University of Leuven.

“It’s not that humans took some cats and put them inside cages,” he says. Instead, people more or less allowed cats to domesticate themselves.

when were cats domesticated
when were cats domesticated

How did cats become domesticated?

Domesticated cats all come from wildcats called Felis silvestris lybica that originated in the Fertile Crescent in the Near East Neolithic period and in ancient Egypt in the Classical period.

According to a recent study by Claudio Ottoni, cat domestication took place in two strains.

but all domestic cats have a common ancestor: the North African / Southwest Asian wildcat, Felis silvestris lybica (Ottoni and others 2017).

By studying ancient cat DNA from all over the world, the researchers found that cat domestication began in the Fertile Crescent .

(in the Neolithic period) and accelerated later in ancient Egypt (in the Classical period) (Ottoni and others 2017).

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