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how to solve a pyramid rubik’s cube

how to solve a pyramid rubik's cube

how to solve a pyramid rubik’s cube

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How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube, Step by Step

how to solve a pyramid rubik's cube
how to solve a pyramid rubik’s cube

Before You Begin

Here are some things you should know about the Rubik’s Cube. Some of these points might strike you as trivial at first, but each affords some insight that will become clearer the more time you spend with the cube.

  • The Rubik’s Cube has six faces.
  • Each face is defined by its center. The face with the blue center will ultimately be blue when the cube is solved.
  • Centers don’t move. White is typically opposite of yellow, blue is typically opposite green, and red is typically opposite orange.
  • Corner pieces have three stickers and edge pieces have two stickers. When solving the cube, try to keep in mind that you are moving piecesnot stickers. Another way of thinking about this point is that a red sticker on a corner piece will never move to an edge position.

Cube Notation

Solving the cube will require you to turn its faces. Each face is represented by a letter. The direction of a given rotation is denoted by the presence or absence of a prime (’) symbol.

Right face: R
Left face: L
Upward-pointing face: U
Downward-pointing face: D
Front face: F
Back face: B

R, L, U, D, F, or B means to turn the corresponding face 90 degrees clockwise

R’, L’, U’, D’, F’, or B’ means to turn the corresponding face 90 degrees counterclockwise.

R2, L2, U2, D2, F2, or B2 means to turn the corresponding face 180 degrees.

Step One

how to solve a pyramid rubik's cube
how to solve a pyramid rubik’s cube

: Make the Daisy

The goal of this step is to place four white edge stickers around the yellow center. When you are finished with this step.


Note: It doesn’t matter what color the grey squares are. Two things to keep in mind:

  1. Once a white sticker is placed next to the yellow center, it does not need to be moved.
  2. You can turn the top layer without disturbing anything next to the yellow center.

Step Two: Create the White Cross

For each petal on the “daisy,” match the non-white sticker to the center piece of the same color. Once matched, turn the face with the matching center two times. Repeat this process three more times. When you are finished, the bottom face of the cube will have a white cross.

Note: For the rest of the solve, the white cross will be on the bottom. If you ever find the white cross somewhere else, something has gone wrong.

Step Three: Solve the First Layer

Time to learn your first algorithms. The following “trigger moves” are the most basic of the bunch:

  • Right Trigger = R U R’
  • Left Trigger = L’ U’ L

Look for white stickers on the top layer that face the sides. (If you find a white sticker on the top face of the cube, or on the bottom layer of the cube pointing outward, we’ll deal with it later.) Each white sticker should be on a corner piece with three stickers. Rotate the top face of the cube so that the sticker beside the white sticker that is also outward facing (i.e., not the sticker on the top) diagonally matches the center of the same color.

Once you’ve paired them, face the color-matched stickers toward you. If the matched sticker in the top layer is right of the center, perform the Right Trigger. or If the matched sticker is left of center, perform the Left Trigger.

and If you have a white sticker facing the top, position the white sticker over something that is not white (because it will disrupt whatever is underneath), and, depending on if the piece is on the right or on the left, perform the following algorithm:

R, U, R’, R, U, R’


L’, U, L, L’, U, L

If you have an outward facing white sticker in the bottom layer, face it toward you and position the cube so that it is either in the bottom left or bottom right corner of the side facing you, and perform either the left or right trigger, respectively, to relocate it to the top face of the cube.

Step Four How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube: Solve the Middle Layer

Identify edge pieces on the top layer that do not have yellow stickers. (If it has a yellow sticker, it belongs on the top and not in the middle.) Once you find an edge without a yellow sticker, rotate the top face of the cube until the outward facing sticker on that edge piece is directly over the center piece of the same color.

how to solve a pyramid rubik's cube
how to solve a pyramid rubik’s cube

Once it matches, look at the upward-facing sticker on that edge piece. That sticker will match the center on either the left or the right.

If it matches on the right, perform the following algorithm:

U + Right Trigger

Doing so will disturb the first layer. Fix the displaced white corner sticker as you did in step three.

If it matches on the left, perform the following algorithm:

U’ + Left Trigger

Doing so will disturb the first layer. Fix the displaced white corner sticker as you did in step three.

Occasionally you will find no edge pieces in the top layer without yellow stickers but the middle layer is not solved. In such cases, displace them is-matched middle-layer edge piece by performing the left or right trigger. There should now be an edge piece in the top layer without a yellow sticker. Solve for it as described above.

Step Five How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube: Create the Yellow Cross

The goal of this step is to create a yellow cross on the upward-pointing face of the cube. This entire step hinges on the following algorithm:

F U R U’ R’ F’

If your top face has no yellow edge pieces, perform ***F U R U’ R’ F’. or If your top face has two yellow edge pieces such that they form a line with the center yellow piece, orient the cube such that the three yellow stickers form a vertical line and perform ***F U R U’ R’ F’. If your top face has two yellow edge pieces such that they form a backwards L, rotate the top face of the cube until the edge pieces are at the 12 and 9 positions of a clock and perform ***F U R U’ R’ F’. At this point, the top face of your cube should resemble a yellow cross.

how to solve a pyramid rubik's cube
how to solve a pyramid rubik’s cube



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