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dog constipation

dog constipation

dog constipation

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dog constipation
dog constipation


Dog constipation,As a dog parent, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of common illnesses so you can seek veterinary help for your canine friend as soon as possible.


Is your dog constipated? Do you suspect that he might be? Have you noticed him straining or not pooping quite as often as is normal for him? Dog constipation is a common issue in dogs, and most of the time, it’s something that your pet can recover from fairly quickly on his own. However, in some instances, it may be a good idea to find a treatment option that works for your furry friend to help him along.


Dog constipation can begin randomly, and it can end as suddenly as it appears. Constipation occurs in dogs when they cannot produce normal stool during their daily routine.
 If your dog has constipation, they will either strain to defecate or not attempt to “go.” They may have rock-hard stool if they can go, which is very painful for them.Other signs to watch for in your dog include decreased appetite, vomiting, lethargy, and depression. These can signal that your dog is not feeling well and might have constipation.Dog constipation can happen when they don’t get enough fiber in their diet or when they eat something non-digestible that causes blockage
. It can also happen if your dog is not getting enough exercise or is getting older. Other, more serious causes could be digestive tract tumors, tumors in the pelvic region, prostate enlargement, or other spinal or metabolic injuries.

 dog constipation,Symptoms:


Dog constipation can happen infrequently in a dog’s life. There are multiple causes, and often the dog is able to begin passing normal stool again within a few days. However, it is important to keep an eye on your dog’s fecal matter to determine if it is healthy or a cause for concern.


The most obvious symptom of dog constipation is no bowel movement in a 24 hour period. Dogs generally poop at least once a day, and may go more often depending on the diet being fed.


Signs of constipation in dogs usually begin with a dog in a position to poop but unable to produce anything. If the following two or more potty trips only result in the dog straining and nothing more – it’s very likely he is in the initial stages of constipation.


dog constipation
dog constipation

Dog constipation symptoms

  • Circling, frequent squatting without results, scooting (dragging bottom along floor)


  • Going two days or longer without a bowel movement


  • Crying out or showing signs of discomfort during elimination


  • Stools that are hard and dry


  • Lack of appetite


  • Sporadic vomiting


  • Passing mucus or abbreviated liquid stool after straining


  • Lack of energy


Check your dog’s poop consistency on this fecal scoring chart. Healthy digestive systems generally produce a 2 or 3 specimen. A dog producing a 1 specimen could be a sign of constipation and should be diagnosed by a veterinarian.


What Causes Constipation?


Under normal circumstances, fecal matter travels through the digestive tract, reaching the colon where water and electrolytes are absorbed from the mass. Water reabsorption is the colon’s main function.


Fecal material in the colon is moved through a process known as “peristaltic waves.” If this process becomes impaired or slowed, the fecal mass will stall in the colon and continue to lose moisture, becoming hard, dry, and, ultimately, impossible to pass.


Scientists have long used a term usually associated with geology—“concretion”—to describe stool that is as hard as a rock.


Most Common Causes


Veterinary textbooks list scores of underlying causes, some as benign as lack of exercise, others much more serious problems, like cancer. Veterinarians categorize these causes, based upon where the problem occurs along the digestive tract. They use the words:


  • Interluminal (referring to blockages inside the colon)


  • Extraluminal (obstructions originating outside the colon, such as tumors or pelvic fractures)


  • Intrinsic (diseases and nerve injuries)


dog constipation
dog constipation

Some of the most common reasons dogs become constipated include:


  • Diet—As in humans, a diet lacking in fiber is often the problem. Also, unlike humans, dogs tend to eat things that are not food—like hair, toys, and kitty litter—and these may cause blockages and abnormal fecal transit. Bones, bone meal, and other sources of dietary calcium can contribute to constipation.


  • Age—Elderly dogs seem more prone to constipation.


  • Activity level—For reasons unknown, being sedentary often results in slower transit.


  • Digestive tract tumors


  • Tumors that narrow the pelvic region


  • Anal gland issues


  • Prostate enlargement


  • Dehydration or electrolyte imbalances


  • Drugs, including opiates, diuretics, antihistamines, some antacids, certain cancer drugs


  • Metabolic diseases, like hypothyroidism and renal (kidney) issues


  • Spinal diseases and injuries



  • Stress and psychological problems—Something in the environment that will lead a dog to hold it.


  • Orthopedic disorders that make it difficult for the dog to squat.


  • Surgery—Medical procedures, and the drugs administered during these procedures, may result in constipation. Call your vet for advice if you observe this in the post-surgical period.


how to remedy dog constipation


What To Do If Your Dog Is Constipated?If the problem has just started—no more than a day or two—a few home remedies might get things moving again. Call your veterinarian before adding any supplements and keep in mind that no one strategy works for all dogs. But some of the old-standbys for treating constipation include:

  • Pumpkin—Weirdly, this dietary fix works in some dogs for either constipation or diarrhea. It is high in both fiber and moisture, and many dogs like the taste, so they’ll happily take this medicine. There are several recipes for tasty pumpkin treats that dogs love, although for regulating the digestive tract it’s probably best to give it straight.


  • Canned dog food—Elevated moisture content of canned food may help regulate the system.


  • Powdered fiber supplements


  • Food and herbs, such as ginger, wheat bran, powdered psyllium seeds, and olive oil, may help. A 2011 study, exploring treatments for constipation in humans, showed that fig paste was effective for treatment of constipation in their research colony of Beagles. Foods that help humans with the problem are likely fine for dogs, but it always is prudent to check with your vet.


  • Hydration—Make sure your dog has access to fresh water and maybe electrolyte supplements.


  • Exercise
dog constipation
dog constipation

When To Take a Constipated Dog to the Vet


It’s a good idea to call the vet as soon as you become aware of the problem. Constipation can be a sign of some very serious diseases.


Long-term or chronic constipation may lead to a buildup of dried fecal matter that gets stuck in the colon, known as obstipation. This may contribute to another condition marked by an inability to defecate normally —megacolon. The colon becomes distended and loses its ability to move feces along. Chronic constipation is both a contributor and a sign of this disorder.


When you visit the vet, make sure you come armed with as much information as possible, including:

  • The last time your dog had a normal bowel movement


  • Stool color and consistency


  • Changes in the dog’s diet or routine


  • Non-food items the dog may have eaten (this can include anything from bones to kitty litter)


  • Straining or pain while trying to go


  • Drug treatments


  • Injuries


  • Other signs of distress or discomfort, especially vomiting, lethargy, or a bloated appearance.


Depending upon the duration and severity of the symptoms, the veterinary exam may consist of:



  • Abdominal palpation


  • Rectal exam


  • Radiographs of the abdominal area


  • Barium enema


  • Ultrasound or colonoscopy



  • Urinalysis


  • Neurological exam

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dog constipation
dog constipation

Veterinary Treatment and prevention


Most cases will resolve with mild treatments, such as boosting liquids and dietary fiber or getting more exercise. Laxative suppositories and enemas may be helpful, but should only be used with guidance from a veterinarian, especially if they are needed for long periods.


More extreme cases will require such medical interventions as:


  • Manual removal of impacted feces


  • Drug to activate normal colon function or to block the production of certain enzymes.


  • Surgery may be needed in very rare, extreme cases, usually for megacolon. One surgical procedure is known as a colectomy, in which sections of the colon are removed.


For most dogs, constipation will be an infrequent problem, kept under control through a well-balanced diet, access to fresh water, and regular exercise.


Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders and diseases affect a dog’s stomach and intestines, resulting in pain and other problems. Any disorder that reduces the digestion or absorption of food, or alters its passage through the digestive tract, can be called a digestive disorder. Healthy digestion is essential for your dog to be able to use the nutrients from his food to build and repair tissues and obtain energy. GI disorders can lead to dehydration, acid-base and electrolyte imbalances and malnutrition so it is important to recognize the signs and consult with your veterinarian.

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